Republic Day offers X

Cancellation policy

There is no shipping policy applicable at this time.
Order Cancellation Policy
Customer-Initiated Cancellations

Customers can cancel an order anytime before dispatch.
Orders cannot be canceled once out for delivery, but customers may choose to reject them at the time of delivery.
Cancellation timeframes vary based on product categories. Once the specified timeframe expires, cancellation may not be allowed or may incur a fee.
The specific cancellation timeframe provided on the product page or order confirmation page will be final.

Seller-Initiated Cancellations

In cases where the seller cancels an order due to unforeseen circumstances, a full refund will be processed for prepaid orders.
K&P’s Rights
K&P reserves the right to:

Accept or decline customer cancellation requests.
Modify the cancellation timeframe and fees at any time.

